LANETALK - The #1 Bowling App - FAQ


for bowlers

How do I know if LaneTalk is enabled at my home center?

Download the app, register an account, and tap on the Play button. If you are in a LaneTalk activated center, the app will find your location and present a match you can join. If you succeed, you will be able to select the lane where you are playing. You can also use the bowling center map to see if your center is activated.

Can my center use LaneTalk?

Centers who have updated their scoring systems during the last 10 years are generally able to active the LaneTalk module in their system. Ask your proprietor to register their center to get more info on how to get onboarded, it’s free! Learn more on

Is LaneTalk really free to use?

Yes, LaneTalk is free to use for both bowlers and bowling centers. However, there are a few scoring system suppliers that requires an activation fee from the center proprietor to activate the Lanetalk module in the scoring system. As a LaneTalk app subscriber, you get access to really powerful features. Learn more about the app subscription plans.

How do I track my scores in the app?

If your center is connected to LaneTalk, your scores can be imported into your app profile. If the center is not connected, you can use the Manual scorekeeping to record your scores.

Learn how to add scores to your profile.

Why is Carry and Pocket hits important for me?

Pocket hits is when the ball hits either between pins 1 & 2 for left-handed or 1 & 3 for right-handed bowlers. The higher pocket hits percentage you have, the better you are at hitting your mark. Higher pocket hits indicates that you accurately can repeat throws. Carry is how often you get a strike when the ball hits the pocket. This is calculated by pin leaves. A high carry means that you are hitting the pocket at a good angle with the appropriate ball.

Can I hide my name in the app and leaderboards?

Yes, we have added a “ghost mode” feature which will hide your name in the app. This will hide your name from all leaderboards and top lists as well as to block people from following you.

How can I filter, tag and compare my games?

As a PRO subscriber, there’s a very powerful tool that you can use to filter and compare your results. The app also have a feature for you to tag your games with your own tags which makes the possibilities endless.

Learn more here: Tag and compare games.

Can I block people from commenting in my feed?

You can utilize the “ghost mode” to block everyone from seeing you in the app (which will disable their ability to follow you and comment on your feed posts). You can also block a specific user account from following you which will block their possibility to comment on your feed posts.

Ghost mode:
Tap PROFILE, tap the SETTINGS ICON, then tap the SETTINGS TAB.
Scroll down and slide PRIVATE PROFILE to activate Ghost mode and no one will see you in the app.

Block users:
Tap PROFILE, tap on the FOLLOWERS on top of the screen.
Tap on the user that you want to block.
On the top right corner of the user info, tap on the green icon to block the user.

How to challenge my friends??

You can setup friendly challenges with anyone if you are following them, and they are following you. They don’t have to play at the same center or in the same country. You have to be a subscriber to be a host, but your friends doesn’t have to be subscribers. Read more about private matches here.

How to add your scores to the app

Tap Play and select the button “ADD GAMES”.
Learn how to add your scores to your profile.

How to change app language from Spanish to English

Follow this guide to change the app language from Spanish to English.

How to add a Friend to follow their play?

It’s simple to add your friend (or a PBA Pro) to be able to follow their play. Your feed will then include the latest scores from your friends, making it easy to high-five their achievements.

Click here for a guide on how to add a friend to follow

How to filter my stats or include more games in my stats?

As a Lanetalk subscriber, you are able to include all your games in the aggregated stats. Stats based on your latest 30 games are shown default, but you can use the filter feature to include more games in your overview.

Learn how to use the filter feature >>

How to compare your stats with a Pro or a friend?

It’s simple to compare your stats with a friend or a PBA Pro.

Click here for a guide on how to compare your stats with a friend or a Pro

Ranking system

Enjoy the new local monthly ranking! As soon as you claim/import your scores to your profile, you will automatically take part in the monthly ranking together with all bowlers in your local center.

Learn more about the Ranking feature.

How to use an offer code to get a discount on a subscription?

How do I add the offer code that I have received to get a free test period or a discount on a subscription?

During some campaigns, we have offered a promotion code to use for a free test period of a specific subscription. Learn more here on how to enable the code

For centers

How can I as a Proprietor add my Center to Lanetalk?

Lanetalk is already installed in your scoring system, you just have to activate it. It’s really simple and you are up in minutes.

Jason “Belmo” Belmonte has a video message for you.

Start by signing up a bowling center account using this form.

Then, continue by following this guide ny clicking on the Scoring system that you use.

Where can I find tutorials and user guides?

If your center is onboarded to the Lanetalk platform, you can enjoy all benefits of the platform.

Please visit our welcome onboard page to see tutorials, user guides, promotion kits and more

Is your system GDPR (EU privacy protection regulation) compliant?

Yes, it is fully GDPR compliant. The player names in the live scoring and leaderboards are masked if the consumer hasn’t actively accepted to show their full name in the scores.

Is Lanetalk really free to use?

Yes, Lanetalk is free to use for both bowlers and bowling centers. However, there are a few scoring system suppliers that requires an activation fee from the center proprietor to activate the Lanetalk module in the scoring system.

Can I create a local competition in my center?

Ask the center manager to contact Lanetalk to be provided with a Match admin account. It’s free to create center matches. When then match admin account is created, it’s simple to use the app to setup matches in the local center. The match format is very flexible and matches can be open for everyone in the center, or you can setup a password that shall be used (if only invited bowlers shall be able to play). Learn more about matches >>

Matches & Tournaments

How to join a Match or a Tournament?

Read more about how to join a Match or a Tournament.

What is Lanetalk Handicap (LHCP) and how can I use it?

The LHCP feature is Lanetalk’s new global handicap system that adds thrill and excitement to global tournaments and competitions.

Learn more about Lanetalk handicap

Why does LHCP only help me get to 250 and not 300?

The global handicap system is designed to add more thrill and excitement to the game and to attract more bowlers to compete in worldwide tournaments. With the LHCP activated, bowlers get more engaged to compete and have a better chance to master the leaderboards.

We want to grow the sport and represent sportsmanship and we want to encourage bowlers to find their grit, work hard work and become even stronger players. We are always looking for fair play and the 250 roof is there to avoid the temptation of cheating and balancing it between providing an advantage and equalize the the chances of winning.

The goal is, like in any handicap system, to make it possible for less experienced participants to win whilst maintaining fairness. We want to encourage fairness and grit at the same time as we want as many participants as possible shall be able to enjoy the sport that we love.

Good to know Lanetalk Hacks

Are you looking for hidden gems in the app? Have a look at this Lanetalk Hacks video!

How to find participants in a Tournament from my Center?

Do you want to know who’s playing in the Tournament? Checkout this video on how to find center participants!