LANETALK - The #1 Bowling App - VBS Bowling

VBS Bowling


There are several versions of VBS Bowling Viking Scoring with different levels of Lanetalk integration, if you are using an old version we encourage you update. Read more above VBS Bowling.

Viking Scoring 3
2.7 & v2.8

Most Lanetalk features works perfectly, some virtual tournament features may be out of sync.
A separate Lanetalk software needs to be installed.

v3.0.0.2094 & v3.0.1.3132

Only Live Scoring in form of pictures generated by the scoring system. No Challenges or training – in these versions we can only offer scorecards after games are completed.
Our software needs to be installed.

v3.0.1.3160 & v3.0.1.3244

Only Live Scoring in form of pictures generated by the scoring system. No Challenges or training – in these versions we can only offer scorecards after games are completed.
From this version Lanetalk is activated from Viking (Viking -> Inställningar -> Lanetalk Online Scoring).
Our software is requiered for live scoring.

v3.0.1.3412 –

Everything except the Swedish league works.
Our software is only needed for the image based, classic live scoring.


Lanetalk works perfectly.
Our software is only needed for the image based, classic live scoring.

  • Viking v2.7 or later
  • Internet with port TCP/80 open
  • Lanetalk Agent
  • Microsoft .NET v2.0

Activating Lanetalk in Viking or later is very simple and requires no software installation.
Just open the Lanetalk setup screen (Viking -> Inställningar -> Lanetalk Online Scoring) and fill in your information and click “Spara information”.

Viking or older
You need to download an install the Lanetalk agent.

  1. Register and activate your Lanetalk account.
  2. Download our software (you get a link after activating your account).
  3. Create a new folder C:\Program\Lanetalk and extract the file you just downloaded into it.
  4. Start ltscore.exe.
  5. Double click on the green icon in your lower right corner, tick “Start with Windows” and click “Save”.

Within a minute you should find your center on Lanetalk.

Known Issues
  • In Viking 2.x Lanetalk reads data from what’s known as “LaneFiles”, this can cause issues during tournamnets on slow computers.
  • If no games are uploaded after an update of Viking you need to contact either Lanetalk Support or VBS Support for assistance.